

ThetaHealing is a method of meditation created by Vianna Stibal in 1995. It was developed during her personal journey back to health after she healed from a 9-inch tumor in her leg. The technique is not specific to any one religion but accepts them all, with the purpose of getting closer to the Creator


ThetaHealing claims to change a practitioner’s brain wave pattern to the theta pattern, allowing them to explore how “emotional energy” affects their health, and develop “natural intuition”. The technique is based on the idea that the beliefs in a person’s conscious and unconscious mind directly impact their emotional well-being, which may impact their physical health

The technique

The technique is based on the idea that the beliefs in a person’s conscious and unconscious mind directly impact their emotional well-being, which may affect their physical health. By changing these beliefs, ThetaHealing aims to improve one’s mental and physical state. ThetaHealing practitioners use a process called “digging” to identify and replace negative beliefs with positive ones.

The ThetaHealing technique is always taught to be used in conjunction with conventional medicine. It does not claim to cure or treat any disease, but rather to assist the body’s natural healing ability. ThetaHealing also respects the free will of each individual and does not impose any belief or doctrine on them. ThetaHealing is a spiritual practice that seeks to connect with the Creator of all that is, whatever that means to each person.